Tuesday, October 19, 2010

His Desire

Sometimes my heart is fickle! It rejoices in God when something exciting happens. It cries out to Him in pain! But, sometimes it does not focus on His love and mercy and grace! Sometimes I get side-tracked by the mundane issues of life.

I am currently facing changes in my life. I am a person who puts my whole heart and soul into whatever I am doing. I see projects through to the end. I eat, sleep, and drink whatever job I am assigned to....usually to a fault. This sounds like a great employee or volunteer, but it allows for a tearing up of my heart on the inside whenever that job or project ends, especially if someone ELSE ended it.

So, I try to turn my eyes upon Jesus. I believe in delighting in Him. He promised that if we would do so, He would grant us the desires of our hearts. That becomes a problems when my heart is fickle and doesn't know what it desires!

I am learning though, that when I am truly delighting in Jesus, that He is what my heart desires! His will! More of Him!

"May He grnt you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. May tha Lord fulfill all your petitions." Psalm 20:4 &5

When my desires becomes His will and purpose for my life, then they will be fulfilled! And, so will I!

"Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

So many times, I have "tried" to delight in the Lord in order to get my way; to get some desire of my heart. Usually, it was for rescue or help in the time of trouble. We have only to look to the Lord for help. When my heart becomes consumed by my problems to the point where its desire is just to get free of those problems, my heart has been out of focus. My heart's desire should be about Him and His calling on my life. My interpretation of "delighting" becomes skewed and confused, UNTIL I truly do spend time with Him and He becomes my focus.

It's funny how time spent with God changes my heart's desires so they line up with His desires for me. I must put my mind at ease remembering His desires are for my good and not for eveil (no matter what I've done); and to give me a future and a hope!

Yes, I'll say it again...When my desires become His willand purpose for my life, then they will be fulfilled...and so will I!

Monday, October 18, 2010

His Mercy Endures Forever!

Mercy! Apparently that's a word that falls easily from my lips. My husband says I awaken many mornings and say that before I am fully aware. It probably comes from teachings I received in my younger days about calling on mercy and grace...shouting "mercy!" to troubles and problems.

Yet, I have lived much of my life not appropriating mercy in my own life. I made decisions and then, if there were consequences of these decisions with negative affects, I would blame myself and feel as though God would not help me out of those circumstances. After all, I brought them on myself by some hasty or till-thought-out decision. Therefore, I reaasoned, I should have to bear the consequences and not beg nor expect God to bail me out. Sounded reasonable. Left me defeated.

Recently some changes in my life have been plaguing me. Some are related to decsions made with good intentions, but perhaps, not of the best choice. Other changes caused by other people's decisions were leaving my heart torn apart.

So, we were singing in church about the mercy of God. His mercy is forever...He is good...etc. I was worshipping, yet struggling to keep my mind off my problems and pain. Suddenly, it was like God said to me, "Mercy is favor you don't deserve in the first place, so why are you rejecting it because you think you deserve the consequences you are facing? Are your decisions powerful enough to over-rule my mercy?"

Wow! I had not thought about the fact that by hanging on to my pain and fear, I was actually rejecting the mercy of God. I don't deserve His intervention! But it is not because of the decisions I made, but rather just because of my humaness, and Jesus chose to over-rule that a long long time ago! I could have made better choices and still not have deserved God's mercy! That's precisely what mercy IS! Undeserved favor and grace! I cannot earn His mercy! If I could, it would no longer BE mercy!

Yes, God is good...ALL the time...and His mercy endures forever! AMEN!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"I Love You, My Daddy"

"I love you, my Daddy!" is a sweetly spoken phrase my granddaughter has started saying to her father. It sounds so special and sweet that she could probably get away with just about anything using that phrase. But she also often accompanies it with kisses...melting all hearts in range...

I thought about this unique expression of hers. She says it most of the time spontaneously, and not to get around discipline. She says it when she sees her daddy come in to the house. She says it when he leaves in the truck. She also says a similar phrase to her mom and brothers. She always includes the "my" and tacks on the relationship status.

I am not sure where she picked up this little habit. None of her friends or any family members use it. It seems to be something that came straight from her little heart.

The more I hear those words, the more meaningful they are. A little child, just three years old, is expressing spontaneously her love of family, marking ownership of each one.

I need to do that with God. I need to say "I love you, MY God!" Even better, "I love You, MY Father!" AND even better, "I love You, MY Daddy!" My relationship with Him needs to grow more intimately daily. I need to find delight in His prescence and comfort in His embrace. I need to need Him just like my little girl! I need to declare Him as MINE! And to know Him so intimately that calling Him "Daddy" seems completely right.

I know most of us had imperfect earthly fathers. Mine was among the better one.s, but even so, lacked ability to completely meet my needs and extend comfort and help. He lacked the ability to understand my needs. He lacked the desire to really get to know me as a unique person. But my Heavenly Father does not!

Too many fathers have hurt and abused. Sometimes it was intentional, stemming from their own pain and struggles with their own demons. Sometimes, it was unintentional. An unkind word spoken harshly in a tense moment; A half-hearted reply or reaction to something of significance in our lives; a word intended to be used as a joke...all these can have lasting impact on our vision of a father. And we tend to interject that vision upon God.

We must know this: He is NOT a man that He should lie, be violent, or hurt us in any way, intentional or not. God is incapable of failing us. He can only LOVE to the greatest degree. He cannot speak harsh words of irritation. He cannot ignore our significant moments because He created them

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Healing Scars

When the scars upon my heart
Met the scars upon His hands,
Something changed forever,
Becoming something very grand.

Bleeding within my chest,
Trembling with fear and shame;
My heart heard a gentle Voice
Softly call my name.

It was barely beating;
Hardly worth the life;
Broken very often
And stabbed with many a-knife!

Wounds of disappointments
And redirected prayers;
Confidence depleted
Made heartbeats hard to bear.

Scars of intentions
Misunderstood by friends,
Oozing self-resentment
Self-pity did defend.

Inadequacies coursed through
Veins of broken dreams.
My bleeding heart stood gaping...
Death's nearing rapidly it seems!

But the Voice whispers gentler
Yet louder, to my heart.
Tender hands stretched out
To offer a fresh start.

Hesitation filled my soul.
Yet, with shaking stance
I offered up my broken heart
For yet another chance.

And then the hands opened wide,
And much to my surprise
I found a loving touch of God
Understood my great demise.

For there upon those open palms
Were nail scars so deeply driven,
Oozing out the love
And forgiveness freely given.

And those scars upon His hand
Touched the scars upon my heart;
And though His scars grew deeper,
Mine simply did depart.

There was my heart, no longer scarred
Nor heavy as a stone...
But newly fresh- a heart of flesh!
His scars have cured my own!

Yes, when the scars upon my heart
Touched the scars upon His hands
I was changed forever,
And am becoming something grand!

by Charlotte Saben 8/26/10

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Lesson From King David

King David was a man. He was just a simple shepherd boy with some musical talent, when God called him to become a king. But he didn't become that king overnight. Not even over the next couple of years. He had a lot of growing up to do. And he made some errors along the way. He left us a legacy to learn from.

We can learn some things NOT to do from King David. We all know he never should have dwelt on the sight he saw of Bathsheba sunning herself...but that's another lesson for another day.

Today, I believe God is showing me something very significant about our society, and how easy it is to get involved in the wrong kind of politics.

David was not exactly a politician. Yet, he had a substantial following of men ready to defend and die for him, even before he became king. It is true, that God had already chosen him, annointed him, and called him. Yet, David continued to b e a servant of King Saul, comforting him when he was bombarded by fear and anxiety attacks. Even after it became evident that King Saul was no longer the best ruler for Israel, David did not usurp his authority or brag about the facts of his anointing. He quietly grew, knowing in his heart that some day, God would make room for him.

In today's world, we currently have a very controversial leader. Many Christians voted for him, believing the previous administration had erred greatly in important issues. Some now regret it. Others do not.

What concerns me here, more than the decisions that the President is making, is the daily decisions many many Christians make to undermine him. Personally, I will say that I did not vote for him, nor can I support many of his choices. I too, was among those who passed on jokes and made fun of him. I referred to him in ways that were not Christ-like.

And then, I read the story, AGAIN, about David and Saul. Saul had become so fearful of losing his kingdom, that he set out to kill DAvid. The saga takes up several chapters in the Bible. But the story that stands out to me, is where King Saul goes into a cave to respond to a bodily function, and David and his men are already inside. Saul doesn't notice them, but they notice him. One even suggests to David that he sneek up behind him and kill him. After all, God had already anointed David to be the nnext king...

David toys with the thought, and then slips up behind and cuts off a piece of the kingly garment, and pockets it. Later, he produces it to proce he could have killed the king. But DAvid said, "I will not harm God's anointed." He honored the position of the king. (By the way, originally, Saul was chosen by the people because they disliked the previous administrative dealings. They did not want a theocrasy, but wanted to be ruled by men.)

I coorelate that story to our current situation. God did not ordain our President and anoint him...or DID He? Supposedly we prayed for the election. Supposedly we voted with our conscience. And yet, here we have a controversial guy many do not like. Oour system is run by the people (suppoosedly). God did not "choose" the president ahead of time. Supposedly. Now I wonder, IF God's people, who are called by His name (Christins) humbled themselves and prayed...then we must accept that God MUST have had a hand in rising up this current adminsitration, no matter what we think of it. And the Bible, which we believe to be the Word of God, says clearly to pray for our leaders.

Should we not take the same stand as DAvid did? Should we not resist harming the man in the position of leadership? It seems to me that the REAL enemy of our land, and our spirits, the devil himself, has gotten quite a hayday going with hateful words and jokes. We are undermining the authority of the man that God has allowed to lead us.

The Word says nothing about any man delivering us or healing our land...it is GOD who shall do this...through PRAYER, not jokes, and political upheaval. I am not saying we should not exercise our rights to speak up against what we believe is wrong...or to voice our opinions. But our opinions that deride an authority can only be siding with evil. I am not saying we should not stand up and be counted and declare what we feel....but I see this as two different things here.

1. We should responsibly speak up for righteousness and demand our laws be based in it.
2. We should support through PRAYER ALL the leaders God has currently allowed in our society.
3. By allowing our hearts to become bitter, hateful, or fearful, we are not declaring the Kingdom of God for our country.

I think this is an evil sly undermining of America...not by our President or ANY administration, but by the forces of evil, who divides the Christians, causes our hearts to not be one, causes our hearts to be fearful and dissatisfied....thus preventing us from the true power of God.

Think about it please! I am no longer going to be participating in anything divisive or unproductive or demeaning towards leadership. I will not be sending any forwards of political jokes or rumors of things undermining our President. I will send prayer requests of information that has been substantiated for which we need to join in prayer. I will admonish my friends and brothers and sisters to pray and to surrender our hearts to God's love. I will honor the position of authority that God has graciously allowed us to maintain in this country for over 23o years! AND I will speak up to my leaders, expressing my concerns, in a godly fashion. And I will use the power of my vote to say what I mean!

Let us take to heart the verse about humbling ourselves. (Who of us would even want to be President right now?) Let us PRAY! Let us pray with contrite and upright hearts, fully surrendered to God. Let us lay aside the agendas, the fear, the jokes and comments, and truly seek the Lord for our great nation.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where is the Creator?

I watched a show on the Science Channel just the other day. It was supposed to be a scientific search for a Creator of the Universe. I was very much amused, I must confess. I did not get in on the entire program, as I overlooked the start time. However, as best I can recall and figure from the remainder of the story, their quest was quite daunting for these poor spiritually-challenged researchers.

One math scholar spent years and thousands of dollars trying to find a pattern to the mathematical foundation of the world. HE researched and refigured, and, actually concluded their was, in fact, an intelligent pattern that holds the world together...mathematically speaking that is. After all of this expense and time, he decided that, since he himself was a declared non-beliver, this mathematical pattern, in itself, was and is, the "creator". His theory was based on the fact that this "math" does, and always has, "existed", and somehow was the factor in causing the evolutionary process to make the world. That seems so silly to me. How can a mathematcial "entity" (even if it DID exist) create renewable life? It seems ludicrous to me to reject an intelligent and personal God as Creator and embrace a mathematical pattern instead. With all that money wasted on his research, he could have fed a world of hungry people, most of whom would consider themselves "believers".

The next scientist created a "god-helmet" to prove that God exists only in our brains. He, too, spent tons of money which could have been MUCH better used, especially since his final conclusions really conclude nothing at all. He showed an experiment where he has a "volunteer" place the helmet on their head which is hooked up electronically much like an EEG. He claims that when he causes electrical impulses to stimulate a certain area of the brain, that the volunteer senses spiritual entities, thus "proving" that God exists only in our brains. One problem with this theory is that it has already been proven that such electrical impulses can stimulate smells, tastes, and even visual hallucinations. Does that mean then, that these same smells, tastes, and visual object do NOT exist outside our brains? You see, although those stimuli may not have been present when the brain was triggered, they DO exist in reality. The brain did not create these images or senses, but rather recalled them through the electronic stimulation. So then, rather than drawing the conclusion that God only exists in our brain, encouraged by culture and lore, it seems much more logical to me to conclude that this actually proves His existence, since all other stimuli produced exists. The "fact" that someone could sense the presence of God by an electronic impulse does not in any way mean that He was not present. Since He is omnipresent, He would obviously be there. It IS possible that the part of the brain this scientist chose to stimulate is the part that GOD created to be filled ONLY by HIM! Thus, when stimulated, it produces a special sensitivity to His presence. I think that is actually a "no-brainer!"

The third scientist in this story announced that he, indded, does believe in the existence of a "Creator". His version of this "creator", however, sounds more like something out of Greek or Roman mythology...trying to make Him into something we can relate to without having to accept the truth of the Gospel. This "brilliant" scientist spent many dollars and countless hours concluding that God is the ONLY true reality. I give him a couple of brownie points for that one! However, he claims that God is much like a gigantic computer, controlling life and us on the enoromous screen of the Universe. He claims that there is "scientific evidence" that all of life is "pixilated matter". He referred to the molecular disections of matter, explaining that since atoms are microscopically "pixilated", all of life is "obvilously" just a computer-like existence for the amusement of a creator. He likened the "creator" as an impersonal (on an individual basis, that is) who sits somewhere "playing" with life just for enjoyment. Oh, he may "care", for the sake of the "game", but has no plan or love or any of the personal attributes Christians and other religions give to Him. It amazes me that, while discovering enough scientific evidence to convince himself of the existence of God, or a Creator, he rejects a personal God for such a silly thought.

I still ask myself why people are afraid to admit that the Bible and Science compliment each other, when Science pursues the truth. There is no true scientific fact that the Bible refutes, and vice versa. The religions of the Earth that have lent their own interpretations of God's Word may have clouded reality. But scientists seem to pride themselves on their "research", so why do they resist researching the Word of God?

Where is the Creator?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Deserts of Life

When I drive to work every morning, I have some choices. I can take the busy, city-like street aways and drop down to my destination through a myriad of housing developments. OR I can take the southern, country roads, passing farmland currently being harvested. This is the route I prefer. Today, the farmer was harvesting hay. At least I presume it is hay. It is green and once cut, they make it into bales. They also have already harvested grain and flowers and some other produce.

I watched this morning as the birds lit in the grain field. There is quite a bit of stubble from which the birds are gleaning. They are very pretty, and I am glad they can have the remains after the harvest. I thought about how many birds, insects, and other small animals might be gleaning in that field. It made me think about the harvest times in my life...the cutting back, the mowing down, and so forth that the Lord takes us through regularly.

And then I turned the corner! No more fields! No more birds! Now I was staring out at what appeared to be barren desert. It seemed dry and lifeless; hot and desolate. Yet, my knowledge of this desert tells me that there is much life teeming in the dust. There are lizards, snakes, insects, some birds, and even coyotes roaming through the brush. This made me think of the desrt times of my life. The seasons where life feels hot and dirty; nearly unbearable, and lifeless. Yet, I must remind myself that even in those times, there is life in my desert! Yes, there is hope. There are many spiritual lessons to learn. There are many people I have yet to meet, to whom I must relate. There are unproductive times, it seems, because I do not have a higher perspective. I remain looking at the human level on the misery of the heat and dryness. I find myself thirsting. I find myself covered with the dust of mundane life.

Oh, yes! I must remember where the living water is! There are many streams in this physical desert if one knows where to look. There are underground wells that seep water through the dust. There are even cool air blow holes, if one knows where to look.

And I do. I just seem to forget. I get overwhelmed with the thirst and the journey and forget to go to the Source.

The Lord is the Source of all provision. He is the only One who can quench the thirst within my soul. And the more I spend time with Him, whether He is leading me beside still waters or through the desert, the more I enjoy all that life brings my way!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

God is Bigger than any Mountain!

"Fear not! For I bring to you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people! For unto you is born this day, in the City of DAvid, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!"

We tend to quote that passage during the Christmas Season. But I wonder how much thought we give it at other times. Fear not! That is quite a bold statement, yet so profound for our times! People are fearful of many things. The economy has many otherwise calm, intelligent people, experiencing sleepless nights, plotting and planning...Health care and health issues drain the finances and peace of many these days. Simple tests can not only be expensive, but also revealing of challenges most don't want to face. Children! What does the future hold for them? Will there be ammenties for them? Will there even be enough food and water and natural resources to give them a future life as we have known it? The list could go on and on. Fear is a powerful tool. It has been used by politicians, by preachers, by governments and tyrrants. And, most certainly, by the enemy, satan.

"I bring you tidings of GREAT joy which shall be to ALL people!" The coming of Jesus was not then, and never has been, proclaimed as GREAT joy to all people. He has become an offense to many. Even those of us who claim to be His followers do not consistantly live in GREAT joy! We often let the fear and worry cloud out the joy. Joy is based in faith, not fact. Facts can be daunting. Facts can be skewed. But faith...IS the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen! IF we really believed that, we should be living in constant and GREAT joy! ALL of us! He came for ALL people. Are we making that evident?

"For unto us is born, THIS day..." Sometimes the birth of Jesus can seem like a long ago historical event, which, of course, it is. But THIS day is the day in which He can be born in us afresh! His birth takes on new significance every time we bask in His love. Think about all that it meant for GOD the SON to give up His Godhood and come down to Earth, submitting to the confinements of a human body! It baffles me! It is overwhelming to think that He would do this for us! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! This is the day to praise and serve our Savior.

"In the City of David, a SAVIOR, Christ, the LORD!" The geographical spot of His historical birth is extremely significant for manyh reasons. I choose not to go into details here on this blog, today...maybe another blog soon... But the fact that He is the SAVIOR and LORD stand out! He is Savior of the entire world! Even those who do not recognize or acknowledge Him were on His mind and heart on that cross! His love kept Him hanging there!

The Word says that one day EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD! He is Lord of the Universe! He is the Lord of lords. But even more significant and amazing, He is the Lord of my life! I have given thought, yet probably not enough, to just what that lordship should mean. And I fall very short.

When Jesus reigns in our hearts, so does peace, joy, love, etc. And yet, how much do I worry, fret, become depressed, and even get angry at others that He loves so much! How often I try to control my life, and sometimes the lives of those around me! I fuss about the politians. I worry about the future. I complain about the economy! I scurry about in traffic, wishing others would drive like I want them to! So, I must ask myself...Is He really LORD? Is He LORD THIS day? Am I living the GREAT joy, or seeking out my own happiness? Am I fearless or fearful?

I pray that each day becomes THIS day of GREAT joy to ALL people so we can FEAR NOT! And it starts with me...let there be peace on earth (and in all hearts) and let it begin with ME!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Jesus was up on a mountain ministering to many people when He told them how to receive the blessings of God. He mentioned several attitudes that we should have if we are to receive God’s best. This is called the “Sermon on the Mount” among many Christians. It is also called the Beatitudes. We are going to be studying those “attitudes” as the way we should “be” or live. These are our “Be Attitudes”! And they are the way to God’s blessing. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”

What does it mean to be “poor in spirit’? Sounds like most of our characters here today are having a hard time understanding this. Some people think it is just being “down”, acting serious instead of silly. Others think it means to actually be poor…like no money…no self-value…not liking yourself. But that is NOT what Jesus was talking about when He spoke of the many blessings God wants to give us.

Being “poor” in spirit simply means to be aware of our weaknesses and be willing to quickly repent when we mess up! There is a story in the Bible about a young man who really messed up big time. He went from being very rich, to being very poor in a very short time. He didn’t start off very “poor in spirit” and wasn’t set out to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

You see, this young man and his brother were the sons of a very wealthy man. The younger one decided that he wanted to have more fun than he thought he was having at his dad’s place. He knew that one day he and his brother would inherit all that their father owned. And that was a LOT! But this young man did not want to wait around until his dad died and left it all to them. He wasn’t really interested in the family business or property…only the money it brought them. So, he decided that it made much more sense to ask his dad for his inheritance now. He thought that if he was given the money that he would eventually receive NOW that he would have much more fun. He did not value the right things in life. He did not think about his future, only what he wanted right then. He may even have teased his brother for not joining him in requesting money to waste while they are young.

Well, his father loved his son very much. He must have known that this was not a good choice for his son. But, for whatever reason, the father gave in and let him have the money. Perhaps the young man had argued or presented a case that sounded reasonable. Or perhaps that was a choice the father had made available at one time. Or perhaps he knew that this son would not learn the lessons he needed any other way.

So, the young man took off with his riches. He called all of his friends and their other friends, and everybody who knew who he was, to come and party with him. He was so popular! He was a star! Everyone loved him! They had such a great time. He had one party…then another…and another. He showed his friends a great time. They must have gone to all the amusement parks of their day. They must have ridden camels and horses and participated in chariot races. They may have traveled around the area, looking for adventure. They tried everything they could to have fun.

But, it only lasted a little while. The young man had not thought about what he would do when his money ran out. Maybe he assumed one of his friends would give him more. Perhaps he thought he could get more by gambling or playing games for money. The sad news was…his money was gone and there was no more. There was no one to give him nor lend him any money. All the friends that had shared in the fun left him. They probably called him “Loser!” and other such names. They probably laughed at him for not planning his budget. They were no longer his friends. Apparently they left him and didn’t even take him back home or with them.

He found himself all alone, hungry, and broke! He wished he was back home with his dad and brother. But how could he get back? He had no money and was too tired and hungry to walk all that way. Besides, he thought that his father would be ashamed of him and not want him back. So, he went to look for work. He probably didn’t really know how to do much, since he had been wealthy and had had servants at his father’s home. And there were not a lot of jobs available. But he did find one…feeding pigs! Pigs are not very clean or mannerly animals. In fact, many Jewish people thought of them as unclean to be around, to the extent that people who were around them were not accepted in the community. But this boy was hungry! So, he took the job. As he was pouring the slop on the trough, he wanted to eat it himself! Imagine eating pig’s slop! Pigs eat whatever nobody else wants to eat! They eat the garbage that is scraped from plates or dropped on the floor. They eat the empty corn cobs, weeds, carrot tops, roots, etc. This boy had eaten wonderful meals full of his favorite things, yet here he was jealous of what the pigs were eating! No one, not his boss, not his former friends, not any pretty girls, not any pigs…gave him anything!

So, he finally had a good thought! “I know! I will go back to my father’s house. I am not worthy to be his son now that I have wasted his money and did some things I should not have done. I have brought shame to his house. So! He gave me what I wanted before, maybe he will again! I will ask him to allow me to be a servant. My dad’s servants eat a LOT better than these pigs. He is kind to them and they have nice rooms to sleep in as well. I would LOVE to just be a servant in his house. I am going home to see if he will let me serve him so I can eat again!

This young man had learned to be “poor in spirit”. He began to understand that he was not any better than the servants his father hired. He realized that serving others was a good thing…and that being sorry was not good enough, He had to be willing to change his attitude. He had to be willing to go from being a “big shot”, “cool dude” wanting to be popular and famous, to being willing to serve and earn his “keep”. What an attitude adjustment for him!
Repentance means turning around and changing the direction you were headed. It means being willing to become completely different and give up all that you desired before. That is being poor in spirit, and this boy had finally achieved it!

He headed back, tired, lonely, and still hungry. It was a long walk. People did not treat him kindly. They thought he was a homeless wanderer, maybe even dangerous. So, he went on alone..,

Meanwhile, back at his father’s house, his dad had watched for him every day. He looked down the lane. He sent servants to look further down the lane, knowing that some day, his son would return.

And that day, he did return! The father saw him coming. The servants may not have recognized him, but the father did! He knew it was his son! He ran down the lane to meet him, and fell at his feet and kissed him.

The son was very touched by this and said “I am not worthy to be called your son. Just let me be a servant in your house. I will be totally happy with that!”

But the father called his servants and told them to kill the fattest calf he had, get some music going, and have a party. “My son is home!” he cried.

The older brother wasn’t so happy with all of this because he had been obedient and hard-working while his brother messed up. He complained that it was not fair. But his dad said “You have always had my blessing. Your heart was always to serve me.
You have always understood being ‘poor in spirit’, humble and hard-working. Everything I have has always been and always will be yours. But your brother, here, was dead and is alive again. He did not have a proper heart for blessing, but now he does. We MUST rejoice and have a party!”

So, they celebrated that this young man learned how to have a repentant heart, how to have a servant’s heart, and how to be poor in spirit. This time he can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. That means he can live with God forever, and have all that God has for us, which is MUST MORE than the wealthy father had to offer.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Missing the Commitment

I think I am missing something here...like maybe commitment to write this blog on a regualr basis? I write it daily...in my head...but somehow it seems my fingers don't get around to typing it as promised. I don't mean to be a slackard. I don't mean to make promises or the insinuations thereof, that I can't keep. But I do. I guess it is the same old problem...I think I can do more than I should. I have great intentions, but little motivation at times.

I realized that the entire month of February, I did not write one single line on this blog. I got another year older. Is that a good excuse? My grandson got another year older...how about that one? Potty-training an almost-three year old granddaughter? No? Oh well...I tried.

The point is, that I am realizing that I have this problem in more areas of my life than just this blog. I start out with good intentions and feeling motivated and lose track of things along the way.

It is true, that life is much more than blogs. Like homeschooling...and writing curriculum for my church...and writing puppets skits...and gardening vegetables, and moving, and cleaining, and taking all the grandchildren places, and being there for my husband and friends...I could go on and on as I have a very full life.

But, amidst my busyness and fullness in life, I must remember two things: 1. Not to bite off more than I can chew, yet remembering at the same time, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! And 2. That I must keep the commitments that I do make and should make them only after prayerful consideration.

Therefore, I have a new commitment to this blog...I shall not attempt to make it dailly, nor even weekly (although that COULD happen!) I shall promise to write as God prompts me...and I expect that to be weekly or at least monthly! I may use some of the curriculum writings to fill in from time to time.

One of the biggest motivators in my life is response! I get very little to no response from readers of this blog, so I have no reason to continue...

I once took a motivational test and it came out that my main motivating factor was to feel that I had made a difference in someone's life, whether it was just enjoyment or a changed decision, did not matter. But I need people to validate my life.

The problem is that I reap what I sow. I have three very good friends who also have blogs that I find difficult to read on a regular basis. The blogs are not difficult, my choices of how to spend my time makes it difficult. so, I find myself only reading them sporadically...so I guess I reap what I sow...

But I DO try to leave a note on theirs once in a while! That was a hint!

The Recluse

Tom is gone. Just like that. One day he was here, helping people and loving his wife, and a few short days later, he was gone from this earth! His saga is sad, leaving behind many many friends and family members who loved him so. The suddeness of it all prompted me to write...

He was done in by a recluse...a tiny, brown recluse spider bit him on the leg. He didn't notice much until the pain began. He thought it was his bursitis. Then he began flu-like symptoms. He thought he had the flu which was antagonizing his bursitis. He even went a doctor. I am not sure, at this point, whether they examined his leg or, like him, just assumed it was bursitis. At any rate, he recieved pain meds and was sent home. The meds kept him sleeping most of the day. But the spider had not been sleeping! Those nasty little varmits don't take long to do a six-foot-plus man in! He went to the hospital and was admitted. He made a valiant attempt to survivie. Almost made it a week...most of that in a coma...and then he passed on.

Tom was a gentle, kind man ready to give assistance to anyone in need. But, he did not notice his own need until it was too late!

I thought of spiritual correlations to his plight. How many times have we been "bitten" by evil one way or another and not really noticed? Perhpas given in to temptation. Perhaps resisted showing kindness or gentleness or patience...any of the Fruit of the Spirit. Perhaps been attacked by others and left to sort out our own pain, medicating it with whatever made us comfortable. Or, perhaps, we became a recluse ourselves. Hiding and withdrawing from those who love and could help us. The tiniest of spiders can be the deadliest! The tiniest of sin can lead us into destruction!

Maybe we, like Tom, thought we could self-diagnose; self-heal...just take the meds and sleep it off. Spider bites don't work that way. Neither does sin. Maybe we ignore symptoms thinking we are tough enough to endure. Meanwhile, the symptoms grow and the destruction ravages our spirits, much like the spider poison ravaged Tom's body. By the time we finally submit to "hospitalization", the poison has spread throughout the body of Christ. If we have chosen to complain, to grumble, to insist we are "okay" and want to be left alone; if we choose to "sleep" instead of "pray thorugh"; if we think ourselves spiritually mature and "tough", we could find ourselves in seriously critical condition. (the last report we got on Tom before his death).

How many ministries have died? How many lost opportunities? How much pain have we suffered in silence and alone? The antidote for spider bites is not pleasant. And snake bites are worse treatment yet. But, in order to stay alive, one must submit to treatment. Tom did. He would have gone earlier if he had realized the danger. He wanted to live. He was not arrogant. But he was ignorant...of the spider's power, and perhaps, even of it having bitten him.

I wonder how many times I have been ignorant of the bites of sin in my life. I wonder how many times I thought my pain to be related to something else...something less potentially devastating...something less painful to treat.

I have a tendancy to retreat at times, and not expose my hurt. I wear my "big girl" pants and try to cover the injury instead of exposing myself to a full examiniation of the Spirit. He know anyway. He weeps for my lack of trust in Him. He weeps that I would choose to fight for my spiritual survival rather than allow HIim to administer the treatment. My concern is sometimes, "What will my friends think? They assume I can handle this or that, etc." But when my concern over others supercedes my willingness to be exposed by the Holy Spirit, I have endangered my well-being.

Let us not become little brown recluse spiders, hiding in the desert, lashing out in panic when disturbed. Let us not become spiritually dead trying to ignore the symptoms or self-diagnosing them rather than opening up to His Word which is sharper than any two-sided sword! Let us live in openess. Let us examine ourselves as the Bible says...let us confess our faults to one another...let us expose the poison of sin in our lives so that we may be healed!

God bless you, Tom...you are in a better place...and the spider is dead!

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Time to Trust

Trust has been a topic of discussion in several scenarios I have found myself in recently... How to know when to trust someone who has hurt you... How to have faith when things don't seem to go the way you prayed for and believed for. Certainly the institutions and systems of our day have failed us!

Trusting people has always been risky. I have read numerous reports of people doing things others never thought they would; both good and bad. The newspapers and TV news are full of stories of people murdering others, or doing some other henious crime totally against their nature, according to those that thought they knew them. There are people in prisons wondering themselves why they did what they did.

A moment of rage. A moment of panic. A decision not to take medications, not to listen to counselors, not to do the right thing...all of these can lead to regrettable actions. These actions often have monumentous consequences.

Sometimes I do not even trust myself. I know that, given the right set of circumstances, I too, could make a stupid decision.

That is why Jesus encouraged us to spend time daily with Him. To take up our cross, daily and follow Him. We cannot afford, as people, to try to make it on our own for even one day. We get tired. We get discouraged. We miss understand God's love and plan. We get angry. We get hurt. We get lonely. We start to listen to the many voices around us that do not honor God. And those voices can sound reasonable, leading us astray.

These times are hard. Many are facing the loss of jobs, security, and even homes. It is tempting to become angry when God doesn't choose to bail us out, in our way of thinking. It is easy to look at the situation of the moment and forget He has a greater plan that encompasses eternity.

Who can we trust? Only God. How can we trust? By getting to know Him more each day through prayer and reading His Word. It is difficult to trust in Someone we cannot see. It is hard to understand why our prayers are not always answered in the way we requested.

But, what have we besides trust? History has proven that humans are a resilient creation. We can trust in ourselves. We can trust in each other. We can trust in an unseen God. History has also proven which One is the best choice! I am choosing this day to serve and trust the Lord!

Who can we trust?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blacklight of Love

Working in the health care field can be quite challenging. It has great rewards, grreat disappointments, great lessons. Caring for others, no matter how diligently one tires, is not an easy task! There are many facets of life involved and meeting the demands of others challenging in many ways. Among the cautions that one must take, is special car of what healthcare professionals call "infection control".

In the facility where I worked classes were available to convince us of the severity of this issue. The most simple concept was proper hand-washing. We all liked to think that this was an obvious, easily accomplished task. Yet, evidence of the need for more education kept surfacing. The nursing department purchased a divice to help us realize our inadequacies in proper technique. It consisted of a black florescent light, which, when hands had been washed with a special chemical and placed beneath this light, would reveal all themssed spots. All the germs still lufking in the crevices of the knuckles, nails, and such.

We didn't particularly like this dirll becuase to our horror, there were usually many germs proudly displaying themselves on our hands. At times, it felt like we would never get it right!

I thought about this exercise and realized it related to my life. There were ties when I rushed though life, barely taking time to worry about what might be clean and right and what might be wrong or dirty. And there were times when i tried to wash away the grime of life, attitudes, opinions, and failures. And thinking I had done a good job rising about my mistakes, I went headlong into the duties of life.

I often wondered why it seemed more poison, and difficulties seemed to arrive. I thought I was doing everything I could; all that I knew to do. It was then that I realized that God allowed the doffoculties, the dark times, because i needed to see that I, in myself, am hopeless to get "it" right. I can wash. I can change my outward behavior. i can hhold my tongue, donform my actions, but it is not enought to change my heart. It is not enought to bring me true peace inside, nor true joy and happiness.

Just like that black light revelaed germs otherwise unseen, yet posiing great danger, so the difficulties, things I did not understand, revealed the inadequacies of my self-righteousness. God, in His great mercy andlove, allowed dark times, blacklights of His love, to examine my heart and reveal my true character.

But He doesn't leave it there. He doesn't say, "Go back and wash again and get it right!" He reaches down, takes my hands, and washes me with the only thing that can truly make me clean...His own blood. the blood that Jesus allowed to spill for me. It dawned on me that the day Jesus died for sinful mankind must have seemed like a dark day in God's eyes. Even though He knew the glorious outcome, He also felt the pain adn agony His sone was feeling that moment. He knew there would be many who would reject HIm, mock Him, despise Him. Yet His love compelled Him to walk through that dark hour for us. How can I complain when He chooses to allow things I would call "dark" to shed His "light" on my life? How can I resist letting HIm wash me, challenge me, grow in me? I thanked Him daily for that blacklight at work, protecting me from germs. But i praise Him for eternity for that dark day He endured for me. And I welcome the dark light of His total Lordship in my life.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Camel or sheep?

Camel or Sheep?

I have come to Your bubbling water,
For I am thirsty in my soul.
I have tasted of Your clover sweet;
My spirit is made whole.

While some try life without You,
I must linger near.
Your presence is my sustenance;
I need my Shepherd here.

For I am not a camel, Lord,
Can't store enough for days.
I am just a simple sheep
Who daily finds Your ways.

You meet me every morning,
And the water of Your Word
Fills me with Your Spirit;
Your voice, I know I've heard.

And out across the desert
when life gets hard to bear,
I know I'm not a canel, Lord,
I'm a sheep whose life You spare.

When the heat of life is on my back,
And hot tears sre on dry ground,
I know there is a river, Lord,
that in You can be found.

So may I not act like a camel,
Coming to the river's flow
Only when I thirst inside,
But let me daily in You grow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Your Whisper a poem

Your Whisper

All I need is a whisper for You, Lord,
To calm this raging storm inside.
When doubts and fears have all assialed me,
And my tears have all been cried.

A whisper to my heart, "I love you!"
A whisper to my spirit, "It's okay!"
A whisper to my mind, "Be still now."
All I need is to hear what You say!

Life's trial's, like blowing sand,
Blind eyes and make it hard to see,
Confusion shouts resounding condemnation.
I need Your whisper, while I'm on bended knee.

When friends misunderstand, even forsake me,
And the enemy plot heavily my demise,
A simple whisper from Your Spirit
Quickly erases all the "why?"s.

A whisper to my heart, "I love you."
A whisper to my spirit, "It's okay."
A whisper to my mind, "Be still now."
All I need is to hear what YOU say!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I dreamed I looked at the mess in the living room of my life.
There, in many pieced lay the fragments of my days.
Fragments unraveling with failure;
Fragments of disappointment and shame.
Some were held together, it seemed, by sheer fortitude,
but lacked purpose or reason.

One piece over there on the couch,
Another on the table.
A piece representing the acceptance of others lay crumpled on the floor.
My eyes searched for success, for some small resemblance of purpose.

I caught sight of a lacy fragment,
a bright spot!
something better than failure...
I reached for it with a trembling hand and picked it up.
It fell elusively from my grasp, and landed on the floor.
It too, was less than perfect...
It was wrinkled a bit and soiled with think of opinions.
The more I viewed the mess, the more despondency grew within.

But then appeared a steady Hand, who began to pick up the pieces.
one by one,
gently brushing them off and gathering them into one place...
within the palm of that Hand.
Then, with quick, steady strokes, the Hand sewed the pieces together,
with cords that could not be broken;
threads that never go bard;
Strands of love!

Then I noticed that the Hand was scarred...
permanently...with nail prints!
suddenly i sway, not a mess; not ugly, wrinkled scrap pieces,
but a beautiful quilt!

He had taken all the plain, the mundane, the failures, the meaningless...
and touched it.
He had grouped all my mistakes and shortcomings;
all my failures and little, soiled successes, into one beautiful masterpiece!

It came to me, that without the fragments,
without the mistakes, there would be no quilt...
no comforter to cover the coldness.

Now there is purpose to the scraps of life...
Reasons even,
For I realized there was apttern to the quilt...
Not of pain and dispair,
But of peace, joy, and hope,...
A perfect pattern of the Cross,
Though not yet complete in my life, gorgeous just the same!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I heard David say it in a prayer. I am sure he did not mean it the way he spoke, but it stuck in my mind as if a gripping vice.
"Help me, Lord. when I want to unforgive."
I thought I had little problem with forgiveness. I had had plenty of opportunity in my life to practice it. But when he said that word, "unforgive", I realized that "forgive" is an action- a verb! I had heard a lot of sermons addressing unforgiveness, as a noun, and had made great efforts in my life to forgive in the actionary sense. But, here i was, faced with the reality that if I could actively "forgive", then could I not actively "unforgive?" Could I not take back the forgiveness I had extended to someone? My mind raced over the "forgiven" people in my life. I had to admit that the recollection of some of them brought a twinge of pain. I had indeed extended forgiveness, to the best of my ability, to these "offenders". But had I inadvertently taken it back by also not extending the grace of God to them?

I thought I had let their offenses go and truly tired to forget. yet, i secretly harbored ill-will, hoping their deeds would come back to them and they would learn how much they had hurt me. I knew that when they were suffering that it was from seeds they had sown. I consciously chose to keep forgiving each I remembered, but also consciouls chose to "unforgive" each time I allowed my thoughts to dig up details to rerlish the pain, even if only briefly. I was in a tug-og-war within myself. I failed toextend God's grace, give them space to be human, and to accept that they could, and probably would, hurt again.

God accepts us and loves us unconditionally. He freely gives us forgiveness and acceptance, know full-well that we will fail again. He doesn't keep His forgiveness at arm's length, waiting to see if we will fall once more and five Him reason to take back His love and forgiveness. He doesn't bring disaster and destruction from the seemds we have sown.

I sometimes have that mentality with God. He is too holy and righteous to go back on His word, yet I continue to feel unworthy and rejected. I live as though I am still unforgiven adn being punished. As though there were some way I could make up for my mistakes. I realized that when I consicously made a decision to forgive and leave it at His feet, allowing that person to err again and still be loved by me, that it was oonly then that i began to understand grace. God never has even thought again about my sins, once confessed and turned away from. He has never brought them up to me again, though I have, too many times. And He does not remember the sins of my neighbors who offended me either and is willing to restore both of us to a relationship with Him as if we had never sinned before!

He made a decision to forgive, actively, by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Hemade that decision for me. He mnade that decision for all those who have offended me and those that will offend in the future. He has never decided to "unforgive". Let me be more like Him every day!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Snowball Effect

The snow falls softly to the ground, bringing a refreshing briskness to the air, almost an energizing feeling. Perhaps that is why it is so much for me to play in the snow. It cseems intriguing how from one little handful of snowflakes, an entire snowman can be born. By rolling a small snowball in the freshly fallen snow, I can create a solide and long-lasting creature. But this is not a one-time "roll". I must continue rolling until I get the ice sculpture that attracts attention and creates a lot of enjoyment.

Trust is a lot like a snowball, I believe. It starts in a refreshing relationship, builds over time and experience into something quite solid and attractive. But, like a snow sculpture, it needs continual replenishing and consistent atmosphere...the atmosphere of love.

I have gotten over zealous in the rolling of a snowball! I have also had my snowball succumb to a small avalanche resulting in it rolling out of control only to splat at the bottom of the hill, shattering into many pieces. How can I put that back together again? Can those same snowflakes, now dirty and melting, be restored to the great snowball it had been before?

When trust is broken and the avalanches of life have caused a shattering of my confidence, how can I put my faith back together? Can I reassemble every experience that led me to have this trust?

When I looked that the ruins of the "snowball of turst", all splatterred on the ground, I cried out to the giver of the snow, to the One whom I trusted as a child.
"No," I said. "I can't put it back together, Lord. All I have known and trusted in lies in a dirty mess. I cannot possibly find even one snowflake to begin to make
the snowball over again."
Once my trust was shattered by shakings not invited, I could see no hope of restoration.

Then I heard His voice! "Move up a little higher, my child. Move up into my arms. Move up where there is fresh snow and anoiting. Spend time on My mountain and together we can find those snowflakes and begin again."

I realized that it does not matter what man or woman or tragedy has done to me. It matters only what i do with them. I must leave the mess, the judgments, the hurt, in the valley, and move to the mountain of God for new beginnings. And if those who have caused the avalanche choose to move up higher to His mountain too, we can re-establish that trust- first in God and then in one another. But it is not my doing that will make their decision, but the sweet drawing of His spirit.

I will move up higher, Lord, for what You say is truly all that matters. Let me be the one whom YOu use to set the snowball effect of rising above circumstances and entering into the fresh snowfall of His Spirit.

Quail Run

I love the desert. There are times when the heat is nearly unbearable, it is true. But if one takes a close look, you find a beauty all its own. The cacti in bloom, and the myriad of animal life is astounding. I love to watch the rabbits hop across the plain, adroitly avoiding the cacti yet slipping some place unseen. The snakes slithering in the sand leave dusty trails behind warning of their presence. The cactus wrens, woodpeckers, crows, roadrunners and quail peck out their domains among the wild flowers. Eagles soar in the skies above along with the buzzards.

One of the most interesting of the wild life is the quail. I first encountered them close up at a workplace surrounded by the desert. I thought perhaps they were birds that could not fly, as I saw them scurry across the road; Mama, Papa, with five or six little ones in tow. Then, one day I nearly ran over one who was running headlong without caution into the pathway of my car. suddenly, he spread his wings and rose above the peril, much to my relief! It was then I realized, all quail can fly!

In fact, I began to notice that they were sitting on fences, roofs, and even telephone poles. Why do they take such risks, then, running across the road, even in the middle of the summer when the pavement is very hot? I could understand families, when the chicks were too young to fly, but I noticed that more often than not, I would have to stop or slowly pass as adult quail made their run for the other side of the road. I observed no other desert birds with this mentality.

It remains a mystery to me that something created to fly would choose to remain earthbound, even endangering themselves, exposing themselves to heat and soil and cars.

Yet, when I think about it, don't I do the same? As God's child, I am created to soar in His Spirit, to be an overcomer, to rise above circumstances and obstacles in my path. But i choose to think in an earthly manner, with limitations and allowing myself to be "under the circumstances". I give in to depression and fear. I take risks unnecessarily, cross paths I could rise above. I run headlong without caution into decision and reactions not consistent with my standing as God's child. I think like a quail instead of an eagle!

The mystery remains, but I suspect that God put those quail in my path to make me slow down and to make me question my thinking; to challenge me to soar like an eagle as the Scripture says. But that requires waiting..."Wait on the Lord and you will renew your strength, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint." I do not wait well.

but now, when I have occasion to pass those little quail, I take time to think god's thoughts about my life. Thank you, God, for those impetuous little quail!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


The Lord has arrived on the scene! But many of us have experienced a “death” of some sort in our lives. The death of a dream, a hope, or a part of our personality. We feel that He has come to late, just like Mary and Martha felt when Lazarus died. And then Jesus came.

When He arrived, He told them to take away the stone from his grave. He used other people to begin the restoration process in Lazarus. Some argued with Him, that Lazarus’ body would smell badly by then. But Jesus commanded the stone be moved anyway. There was effort put forth by those moving the stone, who may or may not have believed something good was about to happen.

Then Jesus called Lazarus forth. Lazarus, having been dead three days, heard the Voice of the Lord and came out…bound still in his grave clothes…but out he came! Then Jesus commanded again, those around him, to “loose him and set him free!” Take off those smelly grave clothes so he can live again.

Grave clothes would be smelly. They may be hard to unwind. Lazarus may have flinched or resisted (like a child from whom a band aide is being removed). It may have hurt a bit. Lazarus’ skin may not have been used to the blood flowing through his veins and may have been numb or tingly. The Bible doesn’t say, but it stands to reason that the task of “loosing” him was neither pleasant nor simple.

I feel like the Lord is saying that He is calling forth the dead areas in us now. We respond, even in our deadness, to His Voice. Yet, we appear still wrapped in grave clothes, perhaps unable to truly comprehend His calling. We may be finding it hard to believe we are alive again. Numbness and “touchiness” may plague us momentarily. That is why He has set us in families. We need each other. We need only to obey what the Lord tells us to do for each other, not to judge the potential outcomes. God will give us the strength to roll away the stones, strip off the grave clothes, etc. as we step out in commitment to obedience and to support each other.

The main thing that Lazarus and all those who loved him, and the main thing that we, who are alive again by the Spirit of the Lord, need to remember is: Lazarus came out of that grave! And he came out well…not still suffering from whatever put him in the grave in the first place. When Jesus calls us out…He sets us free! The past no longer has any hold on us. And even the smell of the past deadness is gone by the power of Jesus’ Name!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning

God is a god of new beginnings, of another chance, of love and grace. For all those things I am grateful. I realized yesterday, as I met with a hurting relative, that He reaches down continually to share those things with us, yet at times, we get lost in our problems and fail to look up. I also realized that some of us have been beaten down so much, sometimes in the name of "God" or the Bible, or church, or religion, that we cannot grasp the concept of Him even wanting to love us, much less help us.

We have lost the idea of a personal and caring God. Americans are supposed to be self-sufficient, self=motivating, and independent. But has this caused us to feel that we do not need God? And from there, our meager attempts to control and rule our lives produce depression and anxiety when we cannot rise above circumstances brought on by outside forces such as other people and systems. We feel like failures when our own bodies let us down, unable to allow us to burn the candle at both ends any longer as the saying goes.

Then, our human reaction is to rebel. We try harder to control. We try to figure out a future that sounds good to us. We try to move people out of the way of what we see as desirous. And we have more depression and pain, and failure. Some people get angry at God for this failure. We tried to do life on our own, and how dare He not intervene? Or how dare He intervene? How dare He allow these uncontrollable things to enter our lives! He must not care about us!

And if the light of His love begins to flicker within us, yet we cannot see how things will work out as we planned, perhaps it is because we are not worthy of His love. Why would He be interested in a person who has tried to do life their own way and messed it up? And so, we dig our pit of depression even deeper.

The truth is God IS love. He loves us unconditionally. No exceptions! He does not analyze our mistakes and withold some of His love from those of us who messed up royally and repeatedly. He hurts when we hurt. It saddens Him when we choose to make decisions that hurt us. But He is always there, waiting for us to look up. It is hard to look up when we are downcast or down-trodden. It is hard to look up when we are ashamed.

I pray this year, that I can get a better understanding of His love. But also, that with this understanding, I can move in that love and wisdom, to share it with others and help someone look up to those reaching arms of love waiting to embrace them. I wish for this new year, that I can realize who I am in Christ and help others find His love. My relative is hurting. I hurt for her. But I pray that she will look up, not to her own abilities (which are many) but to an all-forgiving, all-loving, all-knowing Savior and find His peace and love which is far greater than any we can know from our human perspective alone.

Lord, let 2010 be the year that I am free from fear, intimidation, anger, and hurt to the level that I can share Your love and joy to others who are hurting. Thank you for all that you have given me. Thank you for Your unconditional love and mercy. And thank You that You love me just the way I am and even rejoice over me with pleasure. And You do that for each of us. What a loving God!

Friday, January 1, 2010


This will be a better year. Last year was the year of good intentions. My desire is that THIS year will be the year of good ACTIONS! I have laid aside the idea that making resolutions will assist in bringing this about. All that ends up happening is that the resolutions haunt me and add to my guilty feelings. However, without goals, nothing will be accomplished.

Therefore, I am making some goals today. One of those is that I will write daily. I have three blogs. I will write something on one of those daily. Therefore, at least two times per week there should be some news on each of them. Knowing myself as I do, however, I realize that this is probably too lofty a goal. I am leaving it as my goal and promising myself and my friends that I will do my best to accomplish this goal. I should have at LEAST ONE item on each blog weekly. If I achieve this, I will consider myself successful.

I am writing at least weekly for our church as well. I write the curriculum for our kids church, along with puppet skits, etc. so that really is partly why I have been so lax in attending these blogs. And I also write quite a bit for my homeschooler. Teaching him some of the weirdness of the English language often works better by writing my own stories that fit the subjects. He is much more interested in reading about topics that peek his interest, and finding those at the library takes a lot of time. Not only that, but finding interesting topics that also fit the English rules of the week, can be a daunting task! This probably sounds like another excuse, and perhaps it is...

The point is, I shall truly attempt to do better at keeping up with the blogs. The request I have from you, my friends, is to encourage me, by making comments from time to time, or at least letting me know that you are reading them. Sometimes, I am tempted to make the blogs more like a journal or diary, which, I guess, is okay. However, daily, thoughts go through my mind that may well be of interest to my readers. So, if I know I have readers, I will be more motivated to get my thoughts onto the blogs. THANK YOU!

I love to write. I love to share. I love my friends. Happy New Year!

ps- this is the only time that all my blogs will say the same thing! THAT I promise!