Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Missing the Commitment

I think I am missing something here...like maybe commitment to write this blog on a regualr basis? I write it daily...in my head...but somehow it seems my fingers don't get around to typing it as promised. I don't mean to be a slackard. I don't mean to make promises or the insinuations thereof, that I can't keep. But I do. I guess it is the same old problem...I think I can do more than I should. I have great intentions, but little motivation at times.

I realized that the entire month of February, I did not write one single line on this blog. I got another year older. Is that a good excuse? My grandson got another year older...how about that one? Potty-training an almost-three year old granddaughter? No? Oh well...I tried.

The point is, that I am realizing that I have this problem in more areas of my life than just this blog. I start out with good intentions and feeling motivated and lose track of things along the way.

It is true, that life is much more than blogs. Like homeschooling...and writing curriculum for my church...and writing puppets skits...and gardening vegetables, and moving, and cleaining, and taking all the grandchildren places, and being there for my husband and friends...I could go on and on as I have a very full life.

But, amidst my busyness and fullness in life, I must remember two things: 1. Not to bite off more than I can chew, yet remembering at the same time, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! And 2. That I must keep the commitments that I do make and should make them only after prayerful consideration.

Therefore, I have a new commitment to this blog...I shall not attempt to make it dailly, nor even weekly (although that COULD happen!) I shall promise to write as God prompts me...and I expect that to be weekly or at least monthly! I may use some of the curriculum writings to fill in from time to time.

One of the biggest motivators in my life is response! I get very little to no response from readers of this blog, so I have no reason to continue...

I once took a motivational test and it came out that my main motivating factor was to feel that I had made a difference in someone's life, whether it was just enjoyment or a changed decision, did not matter. But I need people to validate my life.

The problem is that I reap what I sow. I have three very good friends who also have blogs that I find difficult to read on a regular basis. The blogs are not difficult, my choices of how to spend my time makes it difficult. so, I find myself only reading them sporadically...so I guess I reap what I sow...

But I DO try to leave a note on theirs once in a while! That was a hint!

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