Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where is the Creator?

I watched a show on the Science Channel just the other day. It was supposed to be a scientific search for a Creator of the Universe. I was very much amused, I must confess. I did not get in on the entire program, as I overlooked the start time. However, as best I can recall and figure from the remainder of the story, their quest was quite daunting for these poor spiritually-challenged researchers.

One math scholar spent years and thousands of dollars trying to find a pattern to the mathematical foundation of the world. HE researched and refigured, and, actually concluded their was, in fact, an intelligent pattern that holds the world together...mathematically speaking that is. After all of this expense and time, he decided that, since he himself was a declared non-beliver, this mathematical pattern, in itself, was and is, the "creator". His theory was based on the fact that this "math" does, and always has, "existed", and somehow was the factor in causing the evolutionary process to make the world. That seems so silly to me. How can a mathematcial "entity" (even if it DID exist) create renewable life? It seems ludicrous to me to reject an intelligent and personal God as Creator and embrace a mathematical pattern instead. With all that money wasted on his research, he could have fed a world of hungry people, most of whom would consider themselves "believers".

The next scientist created a "god-helmet" to prove that God exists only in our brains. He, too, spent tons of money which could have been MUCH better used, especially since his final conclusions really conclude nothing at all. He showed an experiment where he has a "volunteer" place the helmet on their head which is hooked up electronically much like an EEG. He claims that when he causes electrical impulses to stimulate a certain area of the brain, that the volunteer senses spiritual entities, thus "proving" that God exists only in our brains. One problem with this theory is that it has already been proven that such electrical impulses can stimulate smells, tastes, and even visual hallucinations. Does that mean then, that these same smells, tastes, and visual object do NOT exist outside our brains? You see, although those stimuli may not have been present when the brain was triggered, they DO exist in reality. The brain did not create these images or senses, but rather recalled them through the electronic stimulation. So then, rather than drawing the conclusion that God only exists in our brain, encouraged by culture and lore, it seems much more logical to me to conclude that this actually proves His existence, since all other stimuli produced exists. The "fact" that someone could sense the presence of God by an electronic impulse does not in any way mean that He was not present. Since He is omnipresent, He would obviously be there. It IS possible that the part of the brain this scientist chose to stimulate is the part that GOD created to be filled ONLY by HIM! Thus, when stimulated, it produces a special sensitivity to His presence. I think that is actually a "no-brainer!"

The third scientist in this story announced that he, indded, does believe in the existence of a "Creator". His version of this "creator", however, sounds more like something out of Greek or Roman mythology...trying to make Him into something we can relate to without having to accept the truth of the Gospel. This "brilliant" scientist spent many dollars and countless hours concluding that God is the ONLY true reality. I give him a couple of brownie points for that one! However, he claims that God is much like a gigantic computer, controlling life and us on the enoromous screen of the Universe. He claims that there is "scientific evidence" that all of life is "pixilated matter". He referred to the molecular disections of matter, explaining that since atoms are microscopically "pixilated", all of life is "obvilously" just a computer-like existence for the amusement of a creator. He likened the "creator" as an impersonal (on an individual basis, that is) who sits somewhere "playing" with life just for enjoyment. Oh, he may "care", for the sake of the "game", but has no plan or love or any of the personal attributes Christians and other religions give to Him. It amazes me that, while discovering enough scientific evidence to convince himself of the existence of God, or a Creator, he rejects a personal God for such a silly thought.

I still ask myself why people are afraid to admit that the Bible and Science compliment each other, when Science pursues the truth. There is no true scientific fact that the Bible refutes, and vice versa. The religions of the Earth that have lent their own interpretations of God's Word may have clouded reality. But scientists seem to pride themselves on their "research", so why do they resist researching the Word of God?

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