Sunday, January 10, 2010

Quail Run

I love the desert. There are times when the heat is nearly unbearable, it is true. But if one takes a close look, you find a beauty all its own. The cacti in bloom, and the myriad of animal life is astounding. I love to watch the rabbits hop across the plain, adroitly avoiding the cacti yet slipping some place unseen. The snakes slithering in the sand leave dusty trails behind warning of their presence. The cactus wrens, woodpeckers, crows, roadrunners and quail peck out their domains among the wild flowers. Eagles soar in the skies above along with the buzzards.

One of the most interesting of the wild life is the quail. I first encountered them close up at a workplace surrounded by the desert. I thought perhaps they were birds that could not fly, as I saw them scurry across the road; Mama, Papa, with five or six little ones in tow. Then, one day I nearly ran over one who was running headlong without caution into the pathway of my car. suddenly, he spread his wings and rose above the peril, much to my relief! It was then I realized, all quail can fly!

In fact, I began to notice that they were sitting on fences, roofs, and even telephone poles. Why do they take such risks, then, running across the road, even in the middle of the summer when the pavement is very hot? I could understand families, when the chicks were too young to fly, but I noticed that more often than not, I would have to stop or slowly pass as adult quail made their run for the other side of the road. I observed no other desert birds with this mentality.

It remains a mystery to me that something created to fly would choose to remain earthbound, even endangering themselves, exposing themselves to heat and soil and cars.

Yet, when I think about it, don't I do the same? As God's child, I am created to soar in His Spirit, to be an overcomer, to rise above circumstances and obstacles in my path. But i choose to think in an earthly manner, with limitations and allowing myself to be "under the circumstances". I give in to depression and fear. I take risks unnecessarily, cross paths I could rise above. I run headlong without caution into decision and reactions not consistent with my standing as God's child. I think like a quail instead of an eagle!

The mystery remains, but I suspect that God put those quail in my path to make me slow down and to make me question my thinking; to challenge me to soar like an eagle as the Scripture says. But that requires waiting..."Wait on the Lord and you will renew your strength, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint." I do not wait well.

but now, when I have occasion to pass those little quail, I take time to think god's thoughts about my life. Thank you, God, for those impetuous little quail!

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