Sunday, May 23, 2010

God is Bigger than any Mountain!

"Fear not! For I bring to you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people! For unto you is born this day, in the City of DAvid, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!"

We tend to quote that passage during the Christmas Season. But I wonder how much thought we give it at other times. Fear not! That is quite a bold statement, yet so profound for our times! People are fearful of many things. The economy has many otherwise calm, intelligent people, experiencing sleepless nights, plotting and planning...Health care and health issues drain the finances and peace of many these days. Simple tests can not only be expensive, but also revealing of challenges most don't want to face. Children! What does the future hold for them? Will there be ammenties for them? Will there even be enough food and water and natural resources to give them a future life as we have known it? The list could go on and on. Fear is a powerful tool. It has been used by politicians, by preachers, by governments and tyrrants. And, most certainly, by the enemy, satan.

"I bring you tidings of GREAT joy which shall be to ALL people!" The coming of Jesus was not then, and never has been, proclaimed as GREAT joy to all people. He has become an offense to many. Even those of us who claim to be His followers do not consistantly live in GREAT joy! We often let the fear and worry cloud out the joy. Joy is based in faith, not fact. Facts can be daunting. Facts can be skewed. But faith...IS the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen! IF we really believed that, we should be living in constant and GREAT joy! ALL of us! He came for ALL people. Are we making that evident?

"For unto us is born, THIS day..." Sometimes the birth of Jesus can seem like a long ago historical event, which, of course, it is. But THIS day is the day in which He can be born in us afresh! His birth takes on new significance every time we bask in His love. Think about all that it meant for GOD the SON to give up His Godhood and come down to Earth, submitting to the confinements of a human body! It baffles me! It is overwhelming to think that He would do this for us! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! This is the day to praise and serve our Savior.

"In the City of David, a SAVIOR, Christ, the LORD!" The geographical spot of His historical birth is extremely significant for manyh reasons. I choose not to go into details here on this blog, today...maybe another blog soon... But the fact that He is the SAVIOR and LORD stand out! He is Savior of the entire world! Even those who do not recognize or acknowledge Him were on His mind and heart on that cross! His love kept Him hanging there!

The Word says that one day EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD! He is Lord of the Universe! He is the Lord of lords. But even more significant and amazing, He is the Lord of my life! I have given thought, yet probably not enough, to just what that lordship should mean. And I fall very short.

When Jesus reigns in our hearts, so does peace, joy, love, etc. And yet, how much do I worry, fret, become depressed, and even get angry at others that He loves so much! How often I try to control my life, and sometimes the lives of those around me! I fuss about the politians. I worry about the future. I complain about the economy! I scurry about in traffic, wishing others would drive like I want them to! So, I must ask myself...Is He really LORD? Is He LORD THIS day? Am I living the GREAT joy, or seeking out my own happiness? Am I fearless or fearful?

I pray that each day becomes THIS day of GREAT joy to ALL people so we can FEAR NOT! And it starts with me...let there be peace on earth (and in all hearts) and let it begin with ME!

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