Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Eroding Rock

Drip. Drip. Drip. The water splashed rhythmically on the rock. At first, it was like a refreshing spray, bouncing off the solid stone, and evaporating into the fresh air.

Plop. Plop. Plop. Day after day. Week after week. The constant dripping of the water was no longer pleasant, but annoying and destructive. The constant drops began to wear a hole in the rock. Rocks, as solid as they appear, can be worn down by the constant dripping of the seemingly much softer element of water. And rocks cannot repair themselves like flesh. Once the hole is formed, it cannot be restored.

Life can be much like this dripping of water. Repeated offenses. On-going attacks. Constant annoying reminders of hurts and mistakes of the past can wear a hole right through our hearts. The solid foundations of our minds and hearts cannot escape the erosion of the drippings of betrayal, loss, and consequences of sin, be it ours, or others. At times, we can feel much like that rock with a hole in the center. Irreparable. Unable to be the same again.

And yet, what happens to these rocks with holes? They become collectors’ treasures! They are sought out by those who desire to lift them out of the pile of stones in the river’s bottom, and make them into wondrous jewelry fit for display on the neck or wrist of a King.

Isn’t that just like Jesus? He seeks the lost and wounded; the ones with holes from the drippings of offense, and lifts them out of the miry clay. He cleans them with His breath and polishes them with His hands. He takes us from the raging river bottom to the jewelry box of the King!

“Lord, help us to realize that when we feel helpless and “holey” that You are there to makes us whole and lovely and an adornment for Your glory. Amen.”

By Charlotte Saben 2000

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