Sunday, October 4, 2009

No Sales Rack!


I love to shop! What woman doesn’t, at least a little bit, enjoy a trip to the mall? I even love it at Christmas, in the hustle and bustle of the season. I especially enjoy a good sale. “Never pay full price” has been my shopping motto since I had money to spend. After all, you can get more items if you find good sales. I have even gotten good at spotting bargains at yard sales. Items of discard can be of great value. Everywhere I go to shop, I find a “sales” rack.

One morning my agenda included a trip to the mall. Anticipating great deal, my mind was calculating when the Holy Spirit interrupted.
“What about your prayer time with Me?”

“Oh yes” I answered quickly, “I’ll stop by the church and spend time with You first.”

Little did I know that my compulsion for sales would be the very toold that God would use to deepen my commitment to Him. I was worshipping Him, caught up in the glory of His presence. He whispered a question, “Daughter, will you pay the price to serve Me and answer the call on your life?”

I knew what He meant. He wanted me to write, to teach, to serve in a churchfilled with PEOPLE! How to not fall into people-pleasing and yet meet their needs was indeed a challenge! Yet, I love challenges…

“Yes, Lord” I replied. “I will pay the price!”

“You don’t understand”, He said. “There are no sales racks in My kingdom. I’m talking FULL PRICE!”

Total silence hit my spirit as I pondered what He meant. I knew it meant trusting Him in and through and for everything. It could mean not questioning His decision to take one of my loved ones home. It could mean facing tremendous persecution. It certainly meant dying to my own ambitions and myself. If I said yes, I knew I had given Him all authority to grow in me and do with me whatever He desired. THAT was a very sobering thought!

I walked around the sanctuary several times weeping. I guess we all want some control over our lives. He was asking me to give up mine. But since I love Him, what choice should I have? I want all He has for me. And how could He expect less? He gave everything for me.

“Yes, Lord,” I answered. “I understand. And I will pay the price; the full price, whatever that may mean. I love You. I trust You.”

Serving Jesus is costly. He has taken me through many fiery trials since that day. I am sure there are more to come. But He has proven faithful. He has walked beside me in the furnaces of life. He is worthy of paying the FULL price for!

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