Saturday, September 19, 2009


Remember the old saying, “You could make a mountain out of a molehill?” I heard it many times from my mother and my husband who both felt “led” of God to point out my frustrations.

One day, angry at this comment and feeling as though my “mountain” was being down-sized rather than the other way around. I went to the only comfort that really lasts. God. His word is a comfort to my soul. He understands l ike no other! That is why He is called the Wonderful Counselor!

I discovered in my reading that God addresses mountains, but He doesn’t mention molehills. Could it be because He knows our finite minds tend perceive monumental mountains when He sees them as simple challenges?
We trip on, or fall into, the molehills we do not obviously see. But mountains overwhelm us. Perhaps they make us turn to Him.

He speaks to the problem of mountains. He says that if we have faith WE can speak to this mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea. AND IT WILL BE DONE! I had always thought this passage to bee strange, since I had not seen nor heard of anyone moving any mountains.

Now I began to correlate this analogy. The mountains I make, perhaps out of molehills at times, can be driven into the sea of God’s forgiveness and love. The key is, I must trust Him. I must have faith. And faith is the substance of things not seen and evidence of things hoped for! I had to envision my problems as mountains and then cast them into the sea in order to gain god’s perspective on the matter.

The Bible also tells us that God gives His people hinds feet to leap OVER the mountains of life. I began to see that there were perceived mountains in my life that I could not yet speak to. I could not face them. They overwhelmed me in my weakness. But I could come to the Mountain of Calvary. Kneel at the feet of my Lord, and receive hinds’ feet to leap over or climb in the midst of the mountain. I could gain a higher perspective.

I realized that often I choose to ignore hurts and offenses. Though this seems like a godly solution, it turns often into a pesky molehill, causing me to trip and twist my ankle in my walk with God. But allowing myself to perceive them as they felt, truly like a mountain, at the foot of the Cross, can give me hinds’ feet or faith to speak to the pain and see it truly brought down.

Thank you Jesus, for Mount Calvary and for the mountains in my life. May all my molehills turn to mountains!

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