Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Place to Speak My Mind!

I have never been a fan of people who seem to push their opinions on others...even when their opinions are more like facts and even very true. Having them forced on you seems counterproductive to me, based on many people I have talked with. Therefore, I have restrained my voice from being too controversial...from sounding too "preachy".

Well, I have finally concluded that I am who I am, and that a large part of who I am is very opinionated and has a lot to say...and that I am not content not to speak my mind. While I still do not want to push my opinions on anyone, they do need to be voiced and everyone can choose whatever they want to do with them.

So, starting tomorrow, or Monday at the latest, I shall begin publishing my comments from my heart. They may seem preachy at times or politically incorrect...but this is my forum. Even Jesus was politcally incorrect and He was totally correct! He offended many (and still does) just by being Himself. So, at this point in my life, I am going to do the same...beware!

Oh, yes! For those wondering about the silly name of this blog (I should have left the "u" out) comes from an old inside joke of my youth years related to the fact that most of my life I have been affiliated with and attended both Foursquare churches and Assemblies of God they told me I was either "Foursquembly" or "A square"...get it? I voted for the first one....

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