Monday, August 17, 2009

Pick Your Battles

I have heard the phrase "Choose your battles" so many times that it would be impossible to count. I understood it when they were talking toddlers or teenagers...
yet somehow it has filtered into our psyche that we have the right to choose which battles to fight...and has infiltrated our politcal and religious venues with a vengence,

I have also heard quoted the very true Bible verse "No weapon formed against you shall prosper!" I have laid claim to it many times in my life. And while I am sure that many times I have avoided harm and thwarted attempts to un-do my self-esteem, I also realize that this verse has been misappropriated much.

I have heard it preached that we can lay claim to this when anyone is bothering us or threatening us. Any system. Any person. And thus, much discord has sprung up in our hearts. We can easily perceive others preparing weapons against us. By doing this, even unwittingly in our sub-conscience, we are actually providing weapons to our real enemy...satan.

If we are to grasp the meaning of this Scripture, we must not take it out of context, nor forget the basic themes of God's and holiness. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and rulers of darkness in heavenly places." Satan would love nothing more than for us to get our eyes off of him and on to each other as the enemy. He would love us to spend time trying to keep others from forming or using weapons against us, while in fact, he is honing his to use in full force.

He uses us! Self-pity. Self-indulgence. Self-promotion. Self-serving. Selfishness. I have noticed that the times I have found myself in a battle, so to speak, with another human being, that it does boil down to my own self being caught up in one of the above thoughts.

Jesus is our Defender. He is the only one who knows our hearts and intents. He is the great revealer of Truth. The battles that we should prepare for are direct attacks of satan, our real enemy. And the weapons he forms against us are often found within our own souls. If we keep in mind that we are wrestling against the principalities of darkness that desire our souls, it is much easier to walk in love and forgiveness of people leading to holiness and the complete blessings of God.

No, not even one, is truly out to get is a plot of a more cynical being...and the weapons of choice are our own minds and self-seeking ways. I am not saying that satan does not use people...oh, yes! He uses me against me...when I am weak and not walking in faith like I should. And he uses others to reinforce his attack.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper...because I will allow the Holy Spirit to renew my mind with the thoughts of Christ. I will be aware that my battles belong to Him...that MY wretling is with the enemy who wants me to not be connected to the God I choose to serve on a continuous basis.

Now that the battle plan of the enemy is discovered, and hence, spoiled, let us walk in love and holiness and peace and joy in the Spirit.

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