Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How 'Bout Them D'backs!

How 'bout them d'backs is a phrase the people of Arizona use to flatter our professional baseball team who does have a reputation of some mighty great games. It was just such a game last night. Here they were in the bottom of the ninth, tied up at 1 to 1 against the LA Dodgers. Overtime! In the top of the tenth, our pitcher became flustered and gave up 5 runs. 6 to 1 in overtime! That is when the crowd started fleeing. They were sure it was over.

My husband and I did not attend that game, but watched it on TV. We watched a wee bit longer...until at the bottom of the tenth, we were still down 6-1 with two batters out. We also were sure it was over and went to bed. But, it wasn't over at all! With two outs, they managed to get another run, bases loaded, a run walked in, and then a grand slam from a hitter who had no previous grand slams, and had been 0 for 4 that night! 7-6 and THEN it was over! Quite an upset to say the least!

This game has been much talked about today, and rightly so. But it made me think about times in my life when I had given up. I had looked at the situation which seemed even statistically impossible, and walked out on the game! Oh, not the Diamondbacks, but the game of life. God had surprises and "moves" that I knew nothing of, yet I assumed that all was hopeless and gave up...just like many of the fans last night.

There have also been times in my life when I felt like the players must have. Down for the more strike and it's all over! People walked out on me. People booed and yelled at me. People gave up on me. But not God. I thought about how the D'back coach could have decided to put in a pinch hitter for Ryan Roberts since he was 0-4 that night. But he didn't. He had faith in him. He let him swing. And all it took was one pitch and it was out of the ballpark, as they say.

God is my coach. He sees my batting average. He knows my swings and misses. He knows when I have been afraid to swing and the enemy called a strike. Still, He leaves me in His game. He believes in me. He has faith in me.

This game made me reflect on many things. Times when I strike out. Times when I give up. Times when it seems impossible. Times when others walk out on me. Times when crowds dislike me. Times when commentators predict defeat and wait for it.
But it also made me realize that God does not give up on me. He trusts me with His
Spirit and His anointing, even when my track record hasn't been so great!

Oh, it was a great game all right...I did get to watch the rest of it today, thanks to DVRs. And the crowd that remained went wild! There was dancing and shouting and hooping and hollering. And the angels rejoice when ONE sinner repents! AND God dances over us with joy!

Oh, yes! We can overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! We are overcomers. Let's not allow our past...our defeats, failures, strike-outs, etc. to dictate our today!

How 'bout them D'backs?! How 'bout our God?! It all depends on who we listen to...the crowd or the coach!

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