Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How 'Bout Them D'backs!

How 'bout them d'backs is a phrase the people of Arizona use to flatter our professional baseball team who does have a reputation of some mighty great games. It was just such a game last night. Here they were in the bottom of the ninth, tied up at 1 to 1 against the LA Dodgers. Overtime! In the top of the tenth, our pitcher became flustered and gave up 5 runs. 6 to 1 in overtime! That is when the crowd started fleeing. They were sure it was over.

My husband and I did not attend that game, but watched it on TV. We watched a wee bit longer...until at the bottom of the tenth, we were still down 6-1 with two batters out. We also were sure it was over and went to bed. But, it wasn't over at all! With two outs, they managed to get another run, bases loaded, a run walked in, and then a grand slam from a hitter who had no previous grand slams, and had been 0 for 4 that night! 7-6 and THEN it was over! Quite an upset to say the least!

This game has been much talked about today, and rightly so. But it made me think about times in my life when I had given up. I had looked at the situation which seemed even statistically impossible, and walked out on the game! Oh, not the Diamondbacks, but the game of life. God had surprises and "moves" that I knew nothing of, yet I assumed that all was hopeless and gave up...just like many of the fans last night.

There have also been times in my life when I felt like the players must have. Down for the more strike and it's all over! People walked out on me. People booed and yelled at me. People gave up on me. But not God. I thought about how the D'back coach could have decided to put in a pinch hitter for Ryan Roberts since he was 0-4 that night. But he didn't. He had faith in him. He let him swing. And all it took was one pitch and it was out of the ballpark, as they say.

God is my coach. He sees my batting average. He knows my swings and misses. He knows when I have been afraid to swing and the enemy called a strike. Still, He leaves me in His game. He believes in me. He has faith in me.

This game made me reflect on many things. Times when I strike out. Times when I give up. Times when it seems impossible. Times when others walk out on me. Times when crowds dislike me. Times when commentators predict defeat and wait for it.
But it also made me realize that God does not give up on me. He trusts me with His
Spirit and His anointing, even when my track record hasn't been so great!

Oh, it was a great game all right...I did get to watch the rest of it today, thanks to DVRs. And the crowd that remained went wild! There was dancing and shouting and hooping and hollering. And the angels rejoice when ONE sinner repents! AND God dances over us with joy!

Oh, yes! We can overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! We are overcomers. Let's not allow our past...our defeats, failures, strike-outs, etc. to dictate our today!

How 'bout them D'backs?! How 'bout our God?! It all depends on who we listen to...the crowd or the coach!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In the Public Place

Today I went to the Diamondbacks baseball game with several Residents from my nursing home. Believe it or not, they were engaged in the surroundings and seemed to have a very happy time. And, thankfully, the Diamondbacks won! It was an exciting game of action with a score of 8-5. They had varied reactions to the plays, but for the most part got involved in the clapping and cheering of the crowd.

What caught my attention were the people who just sat there. Perhaps they were rooting for the opposing team, but just sit there when such action is occuring all around, seemed strange to me. I watch them as the mascot danced in front of them. Still no reaction. I observed as the cameras rolled around and displayed their face on the big screen. Still, no reaction. They did look at each other and shrug their shoulders, but that was about it. The temperature was pleasant. The place was not overly crowded, since it was a week-day, mid-day game. There was plenty of room to manuever through the seats without causing a traffic jam or getting stepped on. And both teams were playing well. Yet, they sat still and basically unresponsive. I had to wonder why they paid money (I assume they did) for tickets to a game they found so boring.

And then I thought about my responses to God. There have been times when I sat acting bored while He was moving all around me. There have been times when I sat nearly stone-faced during a worship service, thinking about things that had nothing to do with worship. And then, there have been times when no amount of "cheer-leading" could get me to lay aside my worries and focus on God. Perhaps I appeared strange to Him at those moments. I know He knows my heart, and my thoughts, and that He loves me unconditionally. But still...

I get excited when a baseball player hits a home-run, or makes a fantasitic catch! I jump up and down and clap and yell. I respond to whatever the flashing lights on the electronic banner say to do. "Make some noise! Louder!" "Clap your hands."
And I join in when someone initiates a "wave" or starts some action that spreads throughout the stadium. But sometimes,in church...

Well, we are supposed to be reserved and reverent in church, aren't we? Of course, we are to be reverent! But to study the Bible, especially in its original languages, one must take a hard look at the character of God. He put words in there that don't mean sit still...(Oh, that's in there too...just not the only one). Take the word, "Halal"...That actually carries the connotation of hilarity...and it is a word translated "praise". It means "have a party!" Parties are not quiet. There are lots of other words translated "cheerful" and "joyful" that have that same underlying meaning.

So, why do I shy away from public expression of my love for God at times? Why do I allow distractions to side-line my worship experience? How can I sit still in the midst of the move of God and not respond to His presence. God is exciting! He is worthy to be praised! He inhabits the praises of His people! God will lead me (and you too) into the quiet places and intimately quiet times. But He also invites into the party times, the times of rejoicing. And there is power in those times!

This is a lesson He taught me: When my son was a baby, he one day experienced a very high fever. We had done everything the doctor said to do. Given him everything the doctor recommended. Still, it would not break. He was limp, listless, and I was very worried, and contemplating an expensive trip to the ER.

I called for prayer and then went to prayer myself. During the quiet time of prayer, I saw a picture in my mind. It was of a wall with a door in it. On one side of the wall was healing, blessing, etc. and I was on the other side with my sick baby and all my worries. In my mind I ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I scrambled for keys and found one marked "Faith".

"Ah-ha!" I thought! Now I can get to the blessings! And, sure enough, when I used the key of faith, the door unlocked. But it did not open. I reached to open it and found that I was not strong enough to turn the knob, much less push open the door. And I began to cry. And then, a thought, so clearly the voice of God, said "What would you do if you checked on your son and he was completely well, right now?"

"I would jump for joy and shout praises to God!" I said that aloud.

"Then why don't you do that now? If you can praise Me as much when the answer is not evident, as you would if it were obvious, then you will have the strength to open the door because praising Me brings joy and the joy of the Lord is your strength."

Wow! What a lesson. My son began to get better shortly after that little prayer session. His fever finally broke and he slept peacefully again. God may have used the medicine to reduce the fever, I don't know. But I do know that I learned to praise God loudly and excitedly. And now, I can express my love in many ways, including animatedly and excitedly. And I can shout for a baseball team, and allow my emotions to flourish in any setting... about "them" D'backs?

Monday, September 5, 2011

What Lies Beneath?

Storm damage is sometimes hidden. This is true in both the emotional and physical storms. I ran across an example of this a few years back when I was looking for a home to buy.

It seemed like the perfect location. It was almost exactly between two of my grown children and their families. It was a lot closer to my workplace. It was the perfect size. And the price4 was right. My daughter, who, along with her husband, was an investor, first discovered this house. She "checked it out" in the early evening when the sun's light was barely adequate. It looked good, except for the need for cosmetic updates. She excitedly called me to set up an appointment to look at it the next day. I could hardly sleep! The search had been long and covered with a lot of prayer. Maybe this was finally my answer!

I met her at the house on my lunch break. The neighborhood was older, but well-kept. The house was on a cul-de-sac with a lovely name. And it was near a community pool! I was sure this was my answered prayer!

I walked in to see her saddened face staring at the floor. the carpet had been pulled up to disclose a two-and-a-half inch gaping crack all across the dining room and living room. The house smelled musty. There was evidence, now in the4 full light of day, of flood damage. Mold. Peeling linoleum tiles. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the fireplace bricks were coming off the wall and the window joints were askew. The ceiling bore cracks as well. It appeared that the house had slid on its foundation. Much speculation occurred without the detailed facts. Had the house been built upon a faulty foundaton? Had the lot been a land-fill not properly assessed? Was there some kind of underground water source that had erupted beneath the foundation? Had a tremor from a distant earthquake caused the situation? We didn't press to find the answers since we clearly were not going to purchase this once great, and now damaged, home. We were not sure it was repairable.

I know there were times in my life when I could realte to that house. My past seemed better than my present, and even my future! There was obviously damage caused bu something not readily identifiable. And I wasn't sure I was repairable!

I have spent much time of my life analyzing myself. I have tried to discover what shook me so badly. What erupted in my life beyojnd my control, which brought about cracks in me? Storms that I did not invite, and in fact at times, had not noticed until evidence of damage emerged. I wondered if I, too, had slid so far from the Foundation that I could not be fixed.

Thanks be to God! He is my Foundation! He is my solid rock! He is unmovable and secure. He4 is my Investor and Creator. He can not onlhy repair any brokeness, He can set me straight again and cause the value to be seen. He is the Healer of the broken. He is the repairer of the betrayed. He had invested His spirit inot my life! What a valuable creation I am!

I do not know what became of that house. I do know what I am becoming. Hie is making me into His likeness. He is rebuilding and restoring a home for His presence; a home of peace, joy, and value. He longs to do the same for you. We are His property. There is never a valuation decline in His possessions! Amen!