Tuesday, October 19, 2010

His Desire

Sometimes my heart is fickle! It rejoices in God when something exciting happens. It cries out to Him in pain! But, sometimes it does not focus on His love and mercy and grace! Sometimes I get side-tracked by the mundane issues of life.

I am currently facing changes in my life. I am a person who puts my whole heart and soul into whatever I am doing. I see projects through to the end. I eat, sleep, and drink whatever job I am assigned to....usually to a fault. This sounds like a great employee or volunteer, but it allows for a tearing up of my heart on the inside whenever that job or project ends, especially if someone ELSE ended it.

So, I try to turn my eyes upon Jesus. I believe in delighting in Him. He promised that if we would do so, He would grant us the desires of our hearts. That becomes a problems when my heart is fickle and doesn't know what it desires!

I am learning though, that when I am truly delighting in Jesus, that He is what my heart desires! His will! More of Him!

"May He grnt you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. May tha Lord fulfill all your petitions." Psalm 20:4 &5

When my desires becomes His will and purpose for my life, then they will be fulfilled! And, so will I!

"Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

So many times, I have "tried" to delight in the Lord in order to get my way; to get some desire of my heart. Usually, it was for rescue or help in the time of trouble. We have only to look to the Lord for help. When my heart becomes consumed by my problems to the point where its desire is just to get free of those problems, my heart has been out of focus. My heart's desire should be about Him and His calling on my life. My interpretation of "delighting" becomes skewed and confused, UNTIL I truly do spend time with Him and He becomes my focus.

It's funny how time spent with God changes my heart's desires so they line up with His desires for me. I must put my mind at ease remembering His desires are for my good and not for eveil (no matter what I've done); and to give me a future and a hope!

Yes, I'll say it again...When my desires become His willand purpose for my life, then they will be fulfilled...and so will I!

Monday, October 18, 2010

His Mercy Endures Forever!

Mercy! Apparently that's a word that falls easily from my lips. My husband says I awaken many mornings and say that before I am fully aware. It probably comes from teachings I received in my younger days about calling on mercy and grace...shouting "mercy!" to troubles and problems.

Yet, I have lived much of my life not appropriating mercy in my own life. I made decisions and then, if there were consequences of these decisions with negative affects, I would blame myself and feel as though God would not help me out of those circumstances. After all, I brought them on myself by some hasty or till-thought-out decision. Therefore, I reaasoned, I should have to bear the consequences and not beg nor expect God to bail me out. Sounded reasonable. Left me defeated.

Recently some changes in my life have been plaguing me. Some are related to decsions made with good intentions, but perhaps, not of the best choice. Other changes caused by other people's decisions were leaving my heart torn apart.

So, we were singing in church about the mercy of God. His mercy is forever...He is good...etc. I was worshipping, yet struggling to keep my mind off my problems and pain. Suddenly, it was like God said to me, "Mercy is favor you don't deserve in the first place, so why are you rejecting it because you think you deserve the consequences you are facing? Are your decisions powerful enough to over-rule my mercy?"

Wow! I had not thought about the fact that by hanging on to my pain and fear, I was actually rejecting the mercy of God. I don't deserve His intervention! But it is not because of the decisions I made, but rather just because of my humaness, and Jesus chose to over-rule that a long long time ago! I could have made better choices and still not have deserved God's mercy! That's precisely what mercy IS! Undeserved favor and grace! I cannot earn His mercy! If I could, it would no longer BE mercy!

Yes, God is good...ALL the time...and His mercy endures forever! AMEN!